- BA Central Connecticut State University – Earth Science/Geology
- MS Atmospheric Science – University of Michigan College of Engineering
- Pre-doctoral Candidate – University of Michigan College of Engineering
- 3 Term Member of the Wallingford Board of Education
- 2 Term Vice President of the New Britain Federation of Teachers
- 30 Years of Teaching Experience as an Adjunct Professor and High School Science Teacher
- 7 Years as a Computer Programmer: UTC & Stanley Corporation
- Self Employed Painter and Carpenter
- Listen – Meet with the people you represent and hear what they have to say.
- Debate – Listen fairly to differing opinions about the issue being discussed and engage in civil discourse on the issues
- Negotiate – Reach a consensus among the involved parties
- Legislate – Propose a sensible piece of legislation that benefits the entire community, and work to get it passed
Democratic Town Committee
Pat Reynolds speaking before the Cheshire DTC -- building bridges and relationships
Paid for by Reynolds4StateRep; Paul Donahe, Treasurer; approved by Pat Reynolds
As a teacher and businessman, I've seen the impact the State budget can have on our citizens. As a lifelong resident of Wallingford and involved member of the community, I know what needs improvement.
I have a straight forward approach --- I listen to differing opinions about the issue, I work to reach consensus among the involved parties, and I'll propose sensible legislation to benefit the
entire community and work to get it passed.
My dad was a cop in Wallingford. My mom was active in the community. They weren't grand-standers; they did their jobs and made their contribution to the community without care for headlines and fanfare.
That's the kind of representative I hope to be --- putting my job for the people of Wallingford and Cheshire before getting the headlines and the spotlight. Working for you.
Thanks for your interest --- and I hope you'll honor me with your vote and support.
My mantra:
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